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Tag: Esoteric

As Princess Shimmy commands, i obey

As Princess Shimmy commands, i obey

It is not about sex, it is not about manipulation it is not even about control. What it is about is undying love, Princess Shimmy is totally unique, She is like no other dominant woman you could possibly wish to meet, SHE is beyond fetish SHE is beyond kink She is the way and far beyond any femdom fantasy that you might have ever had, SHE is in fact  A GODDESS and i mean a real Goddess, not some femdom…

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Destined to Serve a Femdom Witch

Destined to Serve a Femdom Witch

Recently I’ve been pondering the nature of my attraction to My Owner & Femdom Witch, Princess Shimmy. And I don’t mean just physically (more on that another time no doubt), but rather about the decisions I made and the path I took that resulted in my seemingly sudden, immediate, and total submission to Her. How did I get from where I was to where I am now, and how much of it was actually by choice as opposed to pre-destination….

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My Work with Spirits

My Work with Spirits

Princess Shimmy has introduced me to spirits or demons for me to work with on my issues or problems. For example, i have some health problems and need to make more money to serve and please Princess Shimmy. Working with demons is a big deal to me since, once upon a time, i was a born again christian. It was my life. i wanted to become a bible translator and memorized parts of the bible verbatim, but then i had…

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