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Tag: HRT

Transforming for Princess: 3 Month Update

Transforming for Princess: 3 Month Update

I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since i started HRT for Princess.  It seems like only yesterday that i was nervously taking that first tablet, excited for all the immediate and astounding changes that i would wake up to the next day! Then the next day came and… nothing, nada, zip. In reality of course this is to be expected. One pill isn’t going to change your life overnight. Transition is a marathon not a sprint (read any transition…

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Gender Transforming for Princess: Day 1

Gender Transforming for Princess: Day 1

Today is the day my life changes forever. Princess gets what She wants. Whatever it is, no matter the cost, no matter the effort, no matter the apparent obstacles. Princess always gets what She wants. The message I have come to learn however is perhaps a more important one, and that is if a slave truly submits and aligns to Princess’s will, then they will get what they want too. Many months ago, Princess decreed that to truly serve Her…

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