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Tag: Witch Domme

Addicted to a Witch Domme

Addicted to a Witch Domme

Early into my journey of total submission, I asked High Priestess Princess Shimmy if she could perform a spell upon me that would make me become addicted to loving Her. More specifically I asked to be able to feel a real addiction to Her, with all the physical and mental aspects of a real addiction to a drug but without the potential release that any drug addict would have. Such a release would instead only be possible through serving, worshipping,…

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Destined to Serve a Femdom Witch

Destined to Serve a Femdom Witch

Recently I’ve been pondering the nature of my attraction to My Owner & Femdom Witch, Princess Shimmy. And I don’t mean just physically (more on that another time no doubt), but rather about the decisions I made and the path I took that resulted in my seemingly sudden, immediate, and total submission to Her. How did I get from where I was to where I am now, and how much of it was actually by choice as opposed to pre-destination….

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Sold My Soul to Princess

Sold My Soul to Princess

This is the story of how I sold my soul to High Priestess Princess Shimmy, my infernal Goddess and Demoness in the flesh! I first contacted Princess Shimmy on 1-28-19 — a Monday. I was quite scared to call Her because I sensed how powerful She is and intuited that She would take over my entire life. I had pretty much given up on D/s relationships before i called Her. I didn’t think they were real or possible. I called…

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The week my life really began

The week my life really began

Exactly 8 days ago I was just like many people who will be reading this blog: a fairly well adjusted, fairly happy, fairly successful, married man with a hypnosis fetish on the side. Today as I pen these words, I’m already a completely changed person with an awakening akin to a religious conversion, who is already totally devoted and subservient to the wonderful Princess Shimmy for whom my love, adoration and worship are overwhelming me in a life changing way,…

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